06/08/2022 - GGIS major and University Laboratory High School Library graduate Zona Hrnjak is on her first ride this summer with the Illini 4000, a cycling team that raises awareness and funds for cancer research...
05/18/2022 - Art was an innovative spatial statistician; his work with Keith Ord resulted in the development of the well-known Getis-Ord statistic.
04/15/2022 - Professor Shaowen Wang was named to the 2022 Class of American Association of Geographers (AAG) Fellows, a program launched...
03/09/2022 - Congratulations to several master's and doctoral students for winning prestigious awards and scholarships at the 2022 American Association of Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting!
03/09/2022 - Dr. Aída Guhlincozzi (PhD, '21) was awarded the Jacques May Thesis Prize for the Best PhD Dissertation in Health & Medical Geography from the AAG Health & Medical Geography Specialty Group at...
03/08/2022 - PhD student Chelsy Salas is gaining recognition for her work in our River, Watershed, and Landscape Dynamics graduate concentration with advisor Dr. Bruce Rhoads.
03/07/2022 - The subject code for courses offered by our department is changing from GEOG to GGIS. Please be aware of this change when viewing the Summer and Fall 2022 course schedules.
02/28/2022 - PhD candidate Wataru Morioka (Advisor: Mei-Po Kwan) taught a class on GIS and mapping as part of University High School's annual...
02/17/2022 - He consistently plucked the names of countries, Greek letters and obscure adverbs from his memory banks and came out on top in his first appearance, earning $10,500.
02/14/2022 - Judith Keller is a visiting doctoral researcher in GGIS and member of the "Authority and Trust in American Culture, Society, History, and Politics" graduate program at the Heidelberg...
01/28/2022 - Professors Murugesu Sivapalan and Shaowen Wang have been elected to the class of 2021 American Association for the Advancement of Science...
12/21/2021 - Shaowen Wang, a 2022 recipient of the AAG’s Distinguished Scholarship Honors, has played a leading role in the development of cyber-based geographic information science (cyberGIS) as...
12/09/2021 - by Diana Yates, U of I News Bureau While climate change is the primary driver of permafrost degradation in Arctic Alaska, a new analysis of 70 years of data reveals that tundra fires are...
11/19/2021 - PhD candidate Nina Roberts (Advisor: David Wilson) sent these postcards from New Mexico, where she is conducting dissertation fieldwork. Her project is tentatively entitled "In...
11/17/2021 - Congratulations to the GIS Day 2021 Virtual Student Poster Competition winners! You can explore the poster gallery (31 total posters) at GISDay.Illinois.edu and in the Gather.town virtual exhibition...