Scholarships for Geography & GIS Students

The Department of Geography & Geographic Information Science awards several endowed scholarships to our undergraduate majors and graduate students:

students with GPS
Roepke Scholar Matt Blaser (BS, 2018) and master's student Evan Lindroth on the Geography Summer Field Course in British Columbia, Canada in 2018.

Howard Roepke Undergraduate Scholarships

The Howard Roepke Undergraduate Scholarships were established thanks to a generous endowment from professor Howard Roepke and his wife Ruth.

Geography & GIS undergraduate majors can apply for Roepke Scholarships to deepen their interest in the discipline, participate in faculty-led research projects, and receive funding toward their chosen study abroad programs. Please visit the above link for more information and hear from our recent Roepke Scholars.

Yvette B. Hernandez Undergraduate Scholarship

This award was established by Urban GIS founder Keith Searles (BS, ’96, CEE) in memory of his widely admired and gifted colleague. It is presented each year to a student who demonstrates excellence and leadership qualities in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and geosciences.


Messina-Stanley Graduate Scholarships in Environmental & Health Geography

The Messina-Stanley Graduate Scholarship is awarded each year to a Geography & GIS graduate student whose research involves medical or environmental geography. The award supports field research, conference travel, and other educational and research activities crucial to students’ professional development.

Dianne Messina-Stanley was born and raised in Champaign and attended the University of Illinois, where she earned an AB from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and an MS from the College of Media. Her daughter Dr. Jane Messina also attended Illinois and earned a master’s in geography (2008). Dianne’s own passion for environmental issues and Jane’s career as a medical geographer prompted her to designate this award for graduate students in these fields of study. Read a recent profile of Dianne Messina-Stanley

Messina-Stanley Scholarship recipients:

2021: Fikriyah Winata
2019: Tanya Shukla
2017: Yoo Min Park
2015: Alex Peimer
2014: Sandy Wong