01/12/2023 - Congratulations to Professor David Wilson, who has been selected as a 2023 AAG Fellow in recognition of his distinguished scholarship, teaching, and mentoring of geography students and junior faculty...
Faculty and Student Awards
10/26/2022 - A group of GGIS faculty and graduate students attended the West Lakes Regional Division AAG Annual Meeting at Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville this past weekend and all three students won...
03/09/2022 - Congratulations to several master's and doctoral students for winning prestigious awards and scholarships at the 2022 American Association of Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting!
03/09/2022 - Dr. Aída Guhlincozzi (PhD, '21) was awarded the Jacques May Thesis Prize for the Best PhD Dissertation in Health & Medical Geography from the AAG Health & Medical Geography Specialty Group at...
03/08/2022 - PhD student Chelsy Salas is gaining recognition for her work in our River, Watershed, and Landscape Dynamics graduate concentration with advisor Dr. Bruce Rhoads.
12/21/2021 - Shaowen Wang, a 2022 recipient of the AAG’s Distinguished Scholarship Honors, has played a leading role in the development of cyber-based geographic information science (cyberGIS) as...
10/11/2021 - The department was honored to welcome Professor William A.V. Clark (PhD, 1964) back to campus last week to accept his 2020-21 Distinguished Alumnus Award. Clark is...
08/30/2021 - Professor Chunyuan Diao has been awarded a National Science Foundation (NSF) Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER) Award for her project entitled “CAREER:...
04/28/2021 - Congratulations to PhD student Anurag Mazumdar (advisor: Prof. Brian Jefferson) on receiving two awards to support his dissertation research travel and fieldwork...
02/10/2021 - Professor Chunyuan Diao has received the 2020 Early Career Scholars in Remote Sensing Award from the Remote Sensing Specialty Group (RSSG), American Association of Geographers (AAG).
10/28/2020 - Junghwan Kim (advisor: Mei-Po Kwan) earned First Prize in the ...
06/26/2020 - Honoring Geoff's lifelong contributions to the discipline of regional science and to the association itself.
06/17/2020 - Congratulations to Professor Julie Cidell on receiving the 2020 Edward L. Ullman Award from the Transportation Geography Specialty Group of the American...
04/20/2020 - for her paper 'Debtor Spaces: Austerity, Space and Dispossession.'
03/20/2020 - The Carolyn Merry Mentoring Award was established by the University Consortium for Geographic Information Science (UCGIS) in 2015 to recognize an individual who demonstrates exceptional mentoring...