Geography Graduate Students Win Awards & Scholarships at AAG Annual Meeting


Congratulations to the following Geography master's and doctoral students for winning prestigious awards and scholarships at the recent 2022 American Association of Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting!

PhD student Yin Liu (advisor: Chunyuan Diao) won first prize in the Student Illustrated Paper Competition, sponsored by the Remote Sensing Specialty Group of the AAG. His poster title is “CropSow: a novel modeling framework to estimate field-level crop sowing date with multi-scale satellite time series”.

Master's student Andrea Pimentel Rivera (advisor: Julie Cidell) received a Student Field Study Award from the AAG Latin America Specialty Group. This award traditionally supports fieldwork travel and expenses for graduate students working on theses or dissertations about Latin America.

PhD student Chelsy Salas (advisor: Bruce Rhoads) received the Geomorphology Specialty Group Graduate Student Paper Award for her project entitled Spatial and Temporal Distributions of Suspended Sediment Concentrations from Different Floodplain Geomorphic Environments of a Lowland Meandering River. [Read more]

Master's student Lauren Weber (advisors: Julie Cidell & Siân Butcher) received an Urban Geography Graduate Student Fellowship Award, which supports urban-oriented, graduate-level research. Lauren's funded proposal is "Declaring Surplus, Approving Sale": Redevelopment Logics at the Periphery in Portland, Oregon".

PhD student Chishan Zhang (advisor: Chunyuan Diao) took second place in the Student Honors Paper Competition, sponsored by the Remote Sensing Specialty Group of AAG. His paper title is “County-level soybean yield estimation based on Bayesian-CNN incorporating phenology dynamic”.

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