09/08/2023 - Geography & GIS is pleased to announce this year's Distinguished Alumnus Award recipient: Dr. Peter Wilcock. He will visit the department in Spring 2024 to receive the award and present at...
08/30/2023 - PhD student Gyudae "GD" Kim was granted the Craig H. Neilsen Foundation Scholarship for students with spinal cord...
08/23/2023 - How did you decide to become a geographer? I am a physical geographer interested in the hydrosphere and its interactions with human societies. Like many others, my academic...
08/22/2023 - Dr. Julie Cidell and PhD candidate José Acosta-Cordóva have recently been awarded a $990,000 grant from the US Environmental Protection Agency's...
07/28/2023 - Dr. Charles Fogelman, Teaching Assistant Professor in the LAS Global Studies Program, has been awarded a...
07/26/2023 - Shaowen Wang will step into the role of Associate Dean for Life and Physical Sciences. In his new role, Shaowen will serve as a liaison between the college and our diverse academic units in the life...
06/29/2023 - Congratulations to Dr. Chunyuan Diao on receiving the University Consortium for Geographic Information Science (UCGIS) Early/Mid Career Research Award, presented at the annual Symposium at Yale...
06/28/2023 - Dr. Eric Shook has been elected to a 3-year term as Director of the University Consortium for Geographic...
05/05/2023 - Matthew Anderson (PhD., 2012) has received the Geography & GIS Early Career Distinguished Alumnus Award. Anderson joined the Eastern Washington University...
04/26/2023 - Dr. Nikolai Alvarado has been awarded Campus Research Board funding to conduct field work in Costa Rica for the next year. His proposal, entitled “South-South Migrants, Social...
04/12/2023 - GGIS professor Marynia Kolak recently participated in a roundtable discussion on the importance of community engagement in data decision-making. She spoke on behalf of her...
04/05/2023 - by Dr. Marynia Kolak, assistant professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies Join us on Friday, April 14th in Room 2049 NHB (or...
01/25/2023 - PhD student Marina Moscoso Arabía (advisor: Nikolai Alvarado) was selected for the second cohort of Humanities Research Institute (HRI) Mellon...
01/20/2023 - Dr. Marynia Kolak's Healthy Regions & Policies Lab was recently awarded a 2-year, $1.4 million Robert Wood Johnson Foundation grant for a new social determinant of health (SDOH) data discovery...
01/12/2023 - Congratulations to Professor David Wilson, who has been selected as a 2023 AAG Fellow in recognition of his distinguished scholarship, teaching, and mentoring of geography students and junior faculty...