GGIS Faculty and Graduate Students Receive Awards and Recognition at 2016 AAG Annual Meeting


Our department was very visible at the 2016 AAG Annual Meeting in San Francisco. In addition to the many excellent panels, papers, and poster presentations by GGIS , the following GGIS faculty and graduate students received awards and recognition:

Dr. Julie Cidell was elected Treasurer of the American Association of Geographers.

Dr. Mei-Po Kwan received two awards:

  • E. Willard and Ruby S. Miller Award, which “recognizes members of the Association who have made truly outstanding contributions to the geographic field due to their special competence in teaching or research.”

  • Melinda S. Meade Distinguished Scholarship Award from the AAG Health and Medical Geography Specialty Group.

Ph.D. student Yoo Min Park won First Prize in the 2016 Geographic Information Science and Systems Specialty Group Student Paper Competition, for her paper: "Assessment of Personal Exposure to Air Pollution and Its Effects on Health: Using Hourly Estimates, Human Movement Data, and 3-Dimensional Visualization to Address the Uncertain Geographic Context Problem."

Ph.D. student Sandy Wong received the Peter Gould Graduate Student Paper Award from the Health and Medical Geography Specialty Group, for her paper: “The Geography of Medicalized Welfare: A Spatial Analysis of Supplemental Security Income in the U.S., 2000-2010.”

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